Ford Related
FREE member, Patrick Feighan "came across this the other day". He "thought the other members might like to see it", so he's sharing it with the rest of us. It's a "nice example of Ford memorabilia".
Check out the person that wrote the letter (at bottom.)
Blast from the Past - San Francisco 1940
Arrived in Oakland a few hours ago and finally we're on our way to San Francisco . We paid 25 cents at the Toll Plaza to enter this wonderful bridge that was opened four years ago. It took me awhile to get used to the traffic.
This is one of only six Ford House-cars said to have been made per year in the mid-1930's at the Ford plant in St. Paul, Minnesota, according to an article in a 1993 "Old Cars" magazine. Very few others -- perhaps none -- remain on the road and certainly not in such amazing original condition!