FREE Web Site

The web site for the Ford Retired Engineering Executives (FREE) organization,, is intended to keep members up-to-date with planned FREE events, such as, lunches, speakers, car shows, and tours.  Members can submit news stories they think will interest other members and make luncheon reservations on-line, after logging in.  Potential new members can submit a membership application on-line.

The site is password protected to keep confidential information secure.  FREE members Ed Breyer and Paul Slatin are site administrators, which means that all submissions including contact information, reservation and membership application data are transferred automatically to them for further processing.

It is suggested new FREE members access the web site as follows:

  1. Go to the home page:
  2. Bookmark this page for easy future access.
  3. Log in using the same user ID and password used with your application.
  4. If you want to change your password, log in, access My Account / My Account Information / make changes and Save.
  5. Newsletters will be sent to members to announce upcoming meetings, special notices and other events.
  6. If you need help or you forget your password, select “Contact Us” and inform the administrators.